This is an alternate history drama that is based on Park So Hui's "Gung" with the reinstatement of the Korean monarchy in August 15, 1945, along with its liberation and establishes Year 1 of Gwanghwa. In 2006, "Year 14 of Inhwa," an overly normal high school girl that attends an arts high school ends up marrying the Crown Prince, who is dating Min Hyo Rin, because of a promise that the elders made decades earlier, and becomes the Crown Princess. But due to the failing health of the King, many problems occur in the aftermath. That's when Hwa Yeong, the former Crown Princess and her son, second in line to the throne, Prince Yul, return from 14 years away in England. Their ultimate aim being to take the throne. But Prince Yul ends up falling in love with the average high school girl turned Crown Princess, Shin Chae Gyeong, and one calamity after another continues to plague the Royal Family.
- 주지훈주연 배우
- 윤은혜주연 배우
- 송지효주연 배우
- 이윤지주연 배우
- 김정훈주연 배우
- Choi Sung Joon (1983)조연 배우
- Lee Yong Joo조연 배우
- 윤유선조연 배우
- Kim Hye Ja조연 배우
- 강남길조연 배우
- Im Ye Jin조연 배우
- Lee Eun조연 배우
- Park Chan Hwan조연 배우
- Jun Soo Yun조연 배우
- Lee Ho Jae조연 배우
- 최불암조연 배우
- Lee Yeon Doo조연 배우
- Kim Suk조연 배우
- Ryu Shi Hyun조연 배우
- Jang Mi Hee조연 배우
- Jun Ji Ae조연 배우
- Won Mi Won조연 배우
- Shim Hye Jin조연 배우