Yes, Her Majesty

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Yue Li Zheng (Hu Dan Dan) nearly drowns and loses consciousness for three days. When she awakes, she is struck with amnesia, although she appears to recall that she is the Empress of the Great Yan. She returns to court, where she begins going about her daily duties as the ruler of the realm. Her loyal consort Li Shi Hao (Cheng Yu Fen), she is told, rescued her from a watery grave. But as she resumes her Imperial tasks, she cannot help thinking and feeling that something is not quite right… She begins to suspect that Li Shi Hao and certain other members of the Imperial court are keeping secrets from her. She decides to get to the bottom of this – and secretly attempts to investigate. Is Li Shi Hao really the man she thought he was? Are there plots afoot in the court? Is she really who she thinks she is? And will she ever recover her all-important memories? “Yes, Her Majesty” is a 2023 Chinese drama series that was directed by Huang Ying Xiang.