
In a dark and mysterious netherworld, a fierce dragon-like beast named Taotie is the most fearful of all. Its ravenous appetite and unquenchable anger make it the most feared of all of the realm’s monsters. In the mortal realm, meanwhile, peace has reigned for hundreds of years...and for now, at least, the netherworld beasts remain in their own sphere. But all that changes when the Taotie’s appetite leads it to accidentally open up a portal into the mortal realm – allowing all sorts of fearsome beasts to swarm through! The cowardly king decides to hatch a plan to save his own life – and turns to Zhu Cheng Bi (An Yue Xi) and Chang Qing (Wang You Shuo) for help. Zhu Cheng Bi is, while Chang Qing is the quick-witted son of a famous accountant. The king attempts to force this couple to help him – a move that could channel the Taotie’s powers through Zhu Cheng Bi. Can her love for Chang Qing – and his love for her – help them save one another...and the rest of the mortal realm? “The Legend of Taotie” is a 2023 Chinese drama series that was directed by Ke Zheng Ming and Zhong Kan Xie.