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Narita Misao (Mikami Ai) has just started working in a new, white-collar job. She is the youngest member of the team, and has developed a crush on her line manager Tsukasa Deno (Yuki Furukawa). She sits next to Ichikawa Kazuya (Sato Taiki), an abrasive fellow employee who has an annoying habit of speaking his mind whenever he feels like it. While she tries to work her way into Tsukasa Deno’s heart, Ichikawa Kazuya teases her. But when Ichikawa Kazuya invites her manager to have sushi with him and some other workmates, she agrees to come along. However, Tsukasa Deno doesn’t show up to the meal, and after the event is over, Narita Misao and Ichikawa Kazuya begin texting one another. Their messages begin to hint at romantic feelings, but at work, later, Ichikawa Kazuya tells her that he has a girlfriend. Regardless, the flirtatious messages continue – until she learns that he is actually engaged to another woman. Confusion and guilt set in...but her feelings for this two-timer are far too strong to simply resist. Meanwhile, Tsukasa Deno is also developing feelings for her, leading to yet more conflicting feelings! “liar” is a 2022 Japanese drama series that was directed by Kumasaka Izuru.