Zombie Detective
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Moo Young comes back to life as a zombie thanks to illegally dumped medical waste. With his memory gone, he eventually accepts reality and does whatever he can to walk and look like a human. Seon Ji, who once was a writer for a TV show that deals with issues regarding current affairs, is employed as a part-time assistant at Moo Young's agency. As she helps the zombie detective look for the traces of his lost memories, she comes to realize how Moo Young is related to one of her previous cases.
- Choi Jin HyukReparto Principal
- Park Ju HyunReparto Principal
- Kwon Hwa WoonReparto Secundario
- Tae Hang HoReparto Secundario
- Hwang Bo RaReparto Secundario
- Ahn Se HaReparto Secundario
- Im Se JuReparto Secundario
- Park Dong BinReparto Secundario
- Bae Yoo RamReparto Secundario
- Lee Joong OkReparto Secundario
- Yu Jae SeokCameo
- A.C.ECameo
- Sam HammingtonCameo