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Please Take Care of My Refrigerator
Take Care of My Fridge
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All those groceries that have been sitting in your fridge for months will now become your favorite dinner! “Please Take Care of my Fridge” is a cooking show with a twist: Korea's top chefs battle off to create the best gourmet dishes from leftovers!
Chefs are given 15 minutes to make people’s dream meal, using only the ingredients readily available in people's refrigerators. Who will become the top chef in this leftovers to gourmet? Join Kim Sung Joo, Ahn Jung Hwan, and 8 chefs in this epic battle!
"Please Take Care of My Refrigerator" is a Viki Original JTBC variety show broadcasting from 2014, directed by Lee Dong Hee.
- Kim Sung JooHost
- Ahn Jung HwanHost
- Choi Hyun SeokHost
- Sam Kim (1977)Supporting Cast
- Kim PoongSupporting Cast
- Mihal AshminovSupporting Cast
- Lee Yeon BokSupporting Cast
- Oh Sae DeukSupporting Cast
- Jung Ho YoungSupporting Cast
- Raymon KimSupporting Cast
- Yoo Hyun SooSupporting Cast
- Taeyang (Bigbang)Cameo
- Jeongyeon (TWICE)Cameo
- TzuyuCameo
- Cao LuCameo
- YeziCameo
- Jung Yong HwaCameo
- Roy KimCameo
- Kang DanielCameo
- Ong Seong WuCameo
- Kim Se JeongCameo
- NayoungCameo
- Shin Hyun JoonCameo
- Park Joong HoonCameo