The one who would become the hero of the war-torn people. Born penniless with only the clothes on his back, he must fight against the world crying justice, he must loftily defend the powerless people suffering under the violence of those who possess power, and he must grasp the sword not with the righteousness of his hand, but of his heart. Joseon's most chivalrous fighter, a man who lived his life with determination, Dong Soo! Orphan. Beggar. From being an outcast, he upended the entire nation with the sword of the people.Born with nothing but his two fists just like us, achieving the ultimate martial arts from complete nothingness, the life story of Joseon's master swordsman Dong Soo fills us with thrilling, vicarious satisfaction and hope.
- 俞承豪主演
- Shin Hyun Been主演
- 池昌旭主演
- 尹素怡主演
- 南智贤配角
- Uhm Hyo Sup配角
- Sung Ji Ru配角
- Oh Man Seok配角
- Jun Kwang Ryul配角
- Jung Ho Bin配角
- Park Joon Gyu配角
- Kim Dong Gyoon配角
- 洪宗玄配角
- Choi Yoon So配角
- Jeon Gook Hwan配角
- Choi Min Soo配角
- Oh Hee Joon配角
- Park Chul Min配角
- Kang Sung配角
- Ji Yoo配角
- Lee Won Jong配角
- Park Won Sang配角
- Lee Kye In配角
- Shin Dong Woo配角
- Kim Da Hyun配角
- Kim Eung Soo配角
- Kim Hee Jung配角
- Yoon Ji Min配角
- Choi Jae Hwan配角
- Song Kyung Chul配角
- 吕珍九配角
- Kim Il Woo配角
- Lee Si Eon配角
- Kim Min Chan配角
- Geum Dan Bi配角
- Jung Yoo Chan配角
- Lee Hye In配角
- Park Gun Tae配角
- Lee Jin Ah配角