When Joseon-era mermaid Sim Cheong (Jun Ji Hyun) follows her true love, she finds herself mysteriously transported into modern-day Seoul. Though separated from her true love, she soon crosses paths with his doppelgänger, Heo Joon Jae (Lee Min Ho). With nowhere else to go, Joon Jae takes the stranded mermaid in, though not out of the goodness of his heart. As a con artist, Joon Jae is quick to spot the priceless jade bracelet Sim Cheong wears. Determined to take Sim Cheong for all she’s worth, Joon Jae soon finds himself thinking twice about the mermaid after she helps him evade the lethal plans of his greedy stepmother. As the two draw closer together, will the charms of the ancient mermaid begin to melt the icy heart of a bitter conman? Inspired by a historical folktale, this 2016 South Korean drama series was directed by Jin Hyuk.
- 이민호Main Cast
- 전지현Main Cast
- 신혜선Supporting Cast
- 이희준Supporting Cast
- Shin Won HoSupporting Cast
- 성동일Supporting Cast
- 문소리Supporting Cast
- 이지훈Supporting Cast
- 황신혜Supporting Cast
- 박진영Supporting Cast
- Oh Yeon AhSupporting Cast
- Shin Rin ASupporting Cast
- 갈소원Supporting Cast
- 이재원Supporting Cast
- 박해수Supporting Cast
- 조정석Cameo
- 차태현Cameo
- 안재홍Cameo