Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth
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We all once have read about Hwarang and heard about a few famous historical Hwarangs. However, not one of us exactly knows what or who they were, as all myths do. How could beautiful-looking young men have been able to be the leaders of Silla, the millenary kingdom that united the ancient Korean Three Kingdoms? What kind of a rite of passage did they go through in order to become the spirit of Silla? Now, we give full scope to our imagination to answer these questions, which were never written in history. This is a story of the friendship and love of Hwarang and a story of the youth struggling to make the world a better place. Above all, this is a whole new myth.
- Park Seo Joon主演俳優
- Go Ara主演俳優
- Park Hyung Sik主演俳優
- Choi Minho主演俳優
- Do Ji Han主演俳優
- Jo Yoon Woo主演俳優
- V主演俳優
- Choi Won Young助演俳優
- Sung Dong Il助演俳優
- Kim Ji Soo助演俳優
- Seo Yea Ji助演俳優
- Lee Da In助演俳優
- Jin Ju Hyung助演俳優
- Song Young Kyu助演俳優
- Kim Won Hae助演俳優
- Song Min Hyung助演俳優
- Go In Bum助演俳優
- Kim Chang Wan助演俳優
- Lee Byung Joon助演俳優
- Lee Kwang Soo特別出演ゲスト