You're All Surrounded
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Four rookie detectives come from different backgrounds, dreams, and past lives. They bump into each other on the most cherished Gangnam Police Department, which isn't exactly the dream station they hope to find for their career. Dae Koo, Soo Sun, Tae Il, and Kook are led by their team leader Legendary Detective Pan Seok. What Pan Seok doesn't know is that he's dealing with the son of a victim from his one and only mismanaged case. Team 3's out to serve and protect Gangnam's justice system.
- Cha Seung WonReparto Principal
- Go AraReparto Principal
- Lee Seung GiReparto Principal
- Oh Yoon AhReparto Principal
- Ahn Jae HyunReparto Principal
- Jung Dong HwanReparto Secundario
- Sung Ji RuReparto Secundario
- Ahn Do GyuReparto Secundario
- Im Won HeeReparto Secundario
- Ahn Se HaReparto Secundario
- Baek Seung HyunReparto Secundario
- Kim Hee JungReparto Secundario
- Seo Yi SookReparto Secundario
- Choi Jin HoReparto Secundario
- Kim Min HaReparto Secundario
- Oh Young ShilReparto Secundario
- Lee Ki YoungReparto Secundario
- Im Seung DaeReparto Secundario
- Han Yoo YiReparto Secundario
- Choi WoongReparto Secundario
- Song Young KyuReparto Secundario
- Kim Kang HyunReparto Secundario
- Park Jung MinReparto Secundario
- Joo HoReparto Secundario
- Moon Hee KyungReparto Secundario
- Ji WooReparto Secundario
- Yang Han YeolReparto Secundario
- Choi Woo ShikCameo