


In this high-stakes heist comedy, Sa Hyun (Yun Da Hun), a bank vice president, attempts to rob his own bank to settle a debt. During his plan, he encounters Blue (Lim Chang Jung), a gangster who has already tunneled into the bank vault. When Hyun tries to turn Blue over to the police, two officers, Hae Ryong (Kim Sang Jung) and Du San (Park Jun Gyu), quickly arrive—but they are actually gangsters in disguise with their own robbery scheme. The fake police officers kidnap Hyun for ransom, leaving him caught in a complex web of criminal intentions. As multiple groups converge on the same bank with seemingly different motives, a larger mystery emerges: Is there a mastermind orchestrating this elaborate criminal convergence, or is it merely an incredible coincidence? This is a 2000 South Korean comedy film directed by Jung Cho Shin.