
On the small Japanese island of Mihama, three middle schoolers suddenly find their lives thrown into turmoil. The tension begins when a boy who will later become known as Nobuyuki Kurokawa (Iura Arata) is walking in the woods and comes across his girlfriend and classmate Mika (Hasegawa Kyoko) having sex with another man. Thinking she is being raped, he violently attacks her suspected assailant, eventually killing the man. However, there is a witness to this gruesome incident – Nobuyuki’s young neighbor Tasuku (Nagayama Eita). The world is about to come crashing down for Nobuyuki Kurokawa. But, almost miraculously, hours later the island is ravaged by a devastating tsunami. Nobuyuki Kurokawa and Mika survive… Twenty five years later, Nobuyuki Kurokawa has become a family man. He is married to a woman named Namiko (Manami Hashimoto), and the couple has a five-year-old daughter. Mika, meanwhile, has assumed a new identity and is now a famous actress. But unbeknownst to Nobuyuki Kurokawa, Tasuku – who once idolized Nobuyuki Kurokawa – has also survived. The sole witness to a terrible crime, Tasuku has vowed to expose the truth...and unleash chaos into Mika and Nobuyuki Kurokawa’s lives! “And Then There was Light” is a 2017 Japanese movie that was directed by Tatsushi Omori.