

Like so many other women in this day and age, Shen Yue (Zhou Xun), Liang Jing Si (Sammi Cheng), and Zhou Xiao Lu (Huang Mi Yi) spent their days juggling a myriad of tasks. From work to chores, to family demands, life for each of these women was an endless cycle of busyness. But when the world was shaken by a global pandemic, everything changed. Though from completely different walks of life, Shen Yue, Jing Si, and Xiao Lu suddenly find themselves facing a common dilemma as news of the spreading pandemic begins to have dramatic impacts on their daily lives. Joining an entire world in a seemingly endless struggle to navigate the turbulent waters of a growing pandemic, each woman tries to do her best. But with jobs suddenly gone, lovers separated, families crumbling, and death seems to lurk around every corner, the task isn’t easy. As the world begins to lock down around them, each of these women finds herself asking a simple question: How does life go on when the entire world has stopped?  Taking a look at the events of the COVID-19 pandemic from a uniquely female perspective, “Hero” is a 2022 Chinese drama film directed by Sylvia Chang, Li Shao Hong, and Joan Chen.