Driven by his motivation to provide for his wife and child, Shin Moo Gwang (Yeon Woo Jin) has worked hard to become an exemplary soldier. Through endless hard work and unwavering dedication, Moo Gwang has finally managed to capture the attention of one of his division’s commanding officers. Impressed by Moo Gwang’s impeccable work ethic, the Division Commander (Jo Sung Ha) appoints him as his new household chef.
Thrilled by his new assignment, Moo Gwang accepts his new post with pride. Working in the Division Commander’s home, Moo Gwang is soon introduced to Ryu Soo Ryeon (Ji An), the commander’s pretty young wife. Frequently crossing paths with the commander’s wife, Moo Gwang soon finds himself an unexpected object of Soo Ryeon’s desires.
Unable to leave a post he worked so hard to acquire, Moo Gwang soon finds himself desperate to escape the unwanted advances of the commander’s wife. With the commander expected to be away on business, will Moo Gwang find a way to free himself from Soo Ryeon’s persistent advances or will his steadfast willpower eventually begin to crumble?
Adapted from the novel of the same name by Yan Lian Ke, “Serve the People” is a 2022 South Korean romantic film directed by Jang Cheol Soo.