Abandoned by his parents at a young age, fourteen-year-old Rom (Tran Anh Khoa) has spent his entire life on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City. Surviving by a combination of wits and luck, Rom manages to eke out a meager living as a “runner”, selling lottery result slips and taking bets for số đề bookies. An illegal game of chance which piggybacks on Vietnam’s official lottery operations, số đề has become the lifeblood of those living in the squalid tenement Rom calls home.
Entirely dependent on the generosity of those lucky enough to win at số đề, Rom’s livelihood is threatened when his rival, another runner by the name of Phuc (Anh Tu), moves in on his turf. Forced to fight Phuc at every turn, Rom’s only chance for survival relies solely on people’s belief that he is actually quite lucky. With an uncanny ability to pick the winning numbers, Rom has a chance to win back his clients, but Phuc won’t let them go without a fight.
Having lost their homes to creditors, the residents of Rom’s derelict apartment complex find themselves in dire need of his luck after those same creditors return, demanding their money. With no other option, the residents must rely on Rom’s luck to save them all. But how can he save them when he can’t even manage to save himself?
An emotional rollercoaster from start to finish, “Rom” is a gritty 2019 film directed by Tran Thanh Huy.