
Lynn (Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying) is a promising young female student who lives with her father and has a life-changing experience when she is accepted to an exclusive high school on a scholarship program. At the school, she meets a girl named Grace (Eisaya Hosuwan), a kind-hearted student who struggles with academic subjects. Lynn takes pity on Grace and finds a way to help her cheat on her tests and exams. But this decision eventually leads Grace’s boyfriend Pat (Teeradon Supapunpinyo) to approach Lynn with a proposal to pay Lynn to help him – and some of his friends – cheat on exams, too. Lynn is not keen on the idea at first. But when she discovers that the school has secretly been forcing her father to pay extra fees for her studies, she decides to go ahead with Pat’s plan. The cheating cycle then threatens to spiral when Pat and Grace ask Lynn if she wants to take part in a plan to take their cheating scheme to a bigger stage: an international university admissions examination that takes place overseas. “Bad Genius” is a 2017 Thai movie that was directed by Nattawut Poonpiriya.