The Last Wish



Gao Yuan (Peng Yu Chang), an introverted high school student diagnosed with degenerative muscular dystrophy, faces imminent death while confined to a hospital. Despite his parents' support, he finds solace in visits from his mischievous best friends Xu Hao (Darren Wang) and Zhang Zheng Yang (Wei Da Xun). Upon learning his time is limited, Gao Yuan confesses his desire to lose his virginity before dying. Determined to help their friend, Xu Hao and Zhang Zheng Yang embark on a hilarious mission to fulfill Gao Yuan's last wish. Their comedic adventure becomes a touching testament to friendship and youth's resilience in the face of mortality. Based on the South Korean movie "The Last Ride," this 2019 Chinese comedy explores friendship, hope, and the human spirit's capacity to find joy even in life's most challenging moments.